Visit and work at Nguyen Huong Cooperative - A unit producing "6 No's" clean tea.

On April 25, 2024, the delegation from Global Digital and Technology Joint Stock Company visited and worked at Nguyen Huong Cooperative - a place that honors the purity and sophistication of Vietnamese tea culture. With a commitment to "No use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, preservatives, flavorings, colorings, or additives in the production process.



With two distinctive tea products, “6 No’s Nguyen Huong Green Tea” and “6 No’s Nguyen Huong Thai Hong Tea,” embodying the forest aroma of Suoi Chun Hamlet, Hoang Nong Commune, Dai Tu District, Thai Nguyen Province. Nguyen Huong is a cooperative of young Vietnamese tea enthusiasts who left the city for the mountains to revive the taste of Thai tea after many years of nurturing their passion. On their journey, Nguyen Huong continually seeks the highest purity and quality for Vietnamese tea. The 6 No’s cultivation process is a sustainable commitment to protecting the environment and human health. With 12 strict criteria, Nguyen Huong proudly introduces a unique cultivation process that not only enhances the value of the product but also enriches and sustains Vietnamese tea culture.

(Image of tea hills in Dai Tu, Thai Nguyen - Where Nguyen Huong nurtures the dream of Vietnamese tea)

During discussions with the Board of Directors of Nguyen Huong Tea Cooperative, Mr. Mai Quang Thinh, CEO of VN Check Joint Stock Company and an expert in traceability, shared his insights and commitment to accompanying Nguyen Huong Tea. He emphasized that the first priority for passionate young entrepreneurs is to manage raw materials effectively. Specifically, this involves identifying cultivation areas and isolating organic tea cultivation zones from other areas. Secondly, the process must be transparent through the use of real-time electronic cultivation logs to serve consumer traceability. Thirdly, it is essential to develop an attractive brand identity while ensuring that all information on labels and packaging complies with regulations, particularly by focusing on QR codes to transparently trace data on the origin and production process.

Global Technology and Digitalization Joint Stock Company, the developer of the VN Check brand—the first 4.0 traceability and anti-counterfeiting technology platform in Vietnam—has committed to sponsoring the cooperative with the use of an electronic cultivation log system. They will also support the standardization of cultivation, harvesting, and processing practices according to the Vietnamese organic farming standards - TCVN 11041 in the upcoming period.

We hope that with the support of VN Check, the Nguyen Huong Tea brand will awaken the senses of Vietnamese tea lovers across the country, preserving the rich and captivating local flavor of Thai tea.