In what context was VNCheck born?
  • VNCheck was born in the context that society has been losing faith in clean food and consumer goods. The Government, ministries and sectors have been looking for many solutions to change the evils of counterfeit goods, imitation goods, and poor quality goods due to unknown origin.
  • VNCheck was initially implemented as a solution to trace the origin of Univer Farm Organics products (according to USDA and Organics EU standards). After a year of research and application, we have developed a version of Traceability that meets other standards such as Global GAP, HACCP, ISO 22000... to suit more industry groups.
  • VNCheck is a sub-project of the E-Commerce Platform on Traditional Vietnamese Medicine (NAM Y MART) that has been built by GLOBAL DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND DIGITALIZATION JOINT STOCK COMPANY since July 2019. We have been focusing on clarifying the origin of food, pharmaceuticals (Traditional medicine) and cosmetics before delivering them to consumers from NAM Y MART E-commerce Platform.
What's the difference between VN Check stamps?

VNCheck was born in the context of the country's strong transformation. Especially the 4th industrial revolution has been taking place strongly in developed countries. Vietnam had the opportunity to have access to this revolution relatively early and quickly received it by a well-trained golden generation. Therefore, responding to the Government's call at the Project "Supporting the national innovation startup ecosystem until 2025" under Decision 100/QD-TTg, VN Check started with a traceability technology system called VN Check with the following outstanding features:

- VNCheck stamps are real-time traceability stamps.

- VNCheck's Traceability Stamp is encrypted by proven Blockchain technology.

- VNCheck stamps are completely applicable according to the standards of Vietnam as well as the world.

- VNCheck's anti-counterfeiting stamp uses behavioral machine learning (the foundation of artificial intelligence) to combat counterfeiting.

- VNCheck's stamps can be customized according to all different customers.

Who are in VN Check's team?

After more than 2 years of developing and perfecting technology, VNCheck has now confidently launched a traceability stamp product with the name NUMBER ONE to the market. To affirm the brand position of VNCheck, we have been conducting trials on 10 enterprises producing agricultural products - food, functional foods and medicinal herbs. To achieve that result, we are very grateful for the presence of the Executive Board, the Advisory Board and the Project Advisory Board for their enthusiastic contributions to VNCheck.



1. Founder and CEO: Mai Quang Thinh

2. Co-Founder: Nguyen Binh Minh

3. Co-Founder: Dao Thi Huyen Sam



1. Mr: Nguyen Dinh Thang - Strategic Advisor

2. Mr.: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Ninh - Foreign affairs advisor

3. Mr: Assoc. Prof-Dr. Dao The Anh - Advisor on Agricultural Science

4. Mr: Dr. Tran Van Thanh - Professional advisor on traditional medicine

5. Mr: Dr. Le Quy Kha - Professional advisor on Agricultural Science and Technology

6. Mrs: Dr. Duong Kim Lien - Market Research and Trade Promotion Advisor.



1. Mr.: Le Minh Tuan

2. Mr: Nguyen Hoc Vien

3. Mr. Tran Tuan Linh

What products and features does VNCheck include?

The question many units are interested in is: "Is VNCheck right for me?". We confirm that VN Check is suitable for all products - services related to Traceability. However, in keeping with our mission, we focus and group the following products:

1. Anti-counterfeiting stamps:

2. Sales management stamp:

3. Traceability stamp on Product distribution process:

4. Traceability stamp on production technology:

5. Stamps for traceability of varieties, input materials, production processes and environment:

6. Traceability stamps according to the specific requirements of each customer:

With a group of 6 products that we have developed, VNCheck understands what we bring to you. If you need specific advice on Distribution Process, Standards and Traceability System Management, please contact VNCheck's HOTLINE for support.

Features of Each Solution on VN Check's stamp

Dear Valued Customrs!

VN Check has successfully developed 06 stamp solutions to manage the supply chain of agricultural products, food, and pharmaceuticals. We are committed to providing a complete solution package for our customers, including support for packaging consulting, design, and printing on all materials.

1 - Packaging Consulting: Free of charge

2 - Stamp Design: Free of charge

3 - Printing: Specific quotation for each design


Solution 01: Anti-Counterfeiting

Technology Applied: AI, Blockchain

Standards Applied: TCCS, ISO, GMP, GS1, FSC (VN)

Unit Price: 250 VND / QR code

Minimum Order: 10,000 products (10,000 QR codes)


Solution 02: Distribution Channel Management (All in One)

Technology Applied: IoT, AI, Blockchain

Standards Applied: ISO, GMP, GS1, FSC (VN)

Unit Price: 500 VND / QR code

Minimum Order: 5,000 products (5,000 QR codes)


Solution 03: Production Diary Tracking

Technology Applied: IoT, AI, Blockchain, Big Data

Standards Applied: All quality standards

Unit Price: 750 VND / QR code

Minimum Order: 2,500 products (2,500 QR codes)


Solution 04: Carton Management

Technology Applied: IoT, AI, Blockchain, Big Data

Standards Applied: All quality standards

Unit Price: 2,000 VND / QR code

Promotion: Free 1,000 QR codes for Carton Management solution when ordering over 5,000,000 VND


Solution 05: Batch Management

Technology Applied: IoT, AI, Blockchain, Big Data

Standards Applied: All quality standards

Unit Price: 2,000 VND / QR code

Promotion: Free 1,000 QR codes for Batch Management solution when ordering over 5,000,000 VND


Solution 06: Electronic Cultivation Diary

Technology Applied: IoT, AI, Blockchain, Big Data

Standards Applied: All quality standards

Unit Price: 200,000 VND / user / year

Promotion: Free support for the first year

*/ Lưu ý: QR sẽ quản lý QR Thùng  QR Thùng sẽ quản lý QR Sản phẩm. Đây là giải pháp giúp việc giao nhận hàng hóa nhanh, chính xác.

*Note: QR Batch will manage QR Carton, and QR Carton will manage QR Products. This solution helps in quick and accurate goods delivery.

See details by accessing the link or scanning.

QR Code

Contact Hotline: 024 6258 6258 for more details

Sincerely thank you!
