Technology of VN Check

Some of the technologies we apply at VN Check, please refer to:

1. IoT system:

We integrate IoT into the following devices:

Group 01: Group of error warning devices.

Group 02: Group of notification and recommendation devices.

Group 03: Group of equipments for production.

2. AI system:

The use of Ai is carried out by us in 3 stages:

Process 01: Identity Verification.

Process 02: Diagnosis of pests and diseases.

Process 03: Distinguishing counterfeit goods and imitation goods.

To use these 03 processes requires many integrated technologies, on that basis, we integrate the APIs of some partners involved in these processes to standardize data for Traceability as well as provide predictions and warnings for the system.


3. Blockchain technology:

Step 1: Access the data.

Step 2: Sync data.

Step 3: Encrypt data (id, hash…).

Above are some technologies and equipment that we have deployed for VN Check. You refer and have any suggestions, please CONTACT us! Thank you!