Receiving the Transfer of USDA and EU Organics Standard Cultivation Practices at Univers Farm Organics

According to the Strategic Cooperation Program with Univers Farm Organics (2020-2025), VN Check will receive the transfer of cultivation processes for 116 non-GMO vegetable and spice varieties meeting USDA standards of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and EU Organic standards of the European Union at Đơn Dương - Lâm Đồng.

Since 2015, the founder of Univers Farm has traveled across Lâm Đồng, Phan Thiết, Đồng Nai, Bình Phước, and other regions to find suitable land for organic farming. Ms. Đào Thị Huyền Sâm, Director of Univers Farm Organics, collected nearly 20 soil and water samples from various provinces for analysis. However, due to pesticide contamination, obtaining USDA organic farming certification was not possible.

When the final soil sample was found to be pesticide-free—previously used for growing eucalyptus by local communities—Univers Farm was established to realize the dream of chemical-free agriculture for Vietnamese consumers.

Philosophy and Mission of Univers Farm Organics

With a dream of providing organic agricultural products to Vietnamese people nationwide, Univers Farm is open to interns, volunteers, and agricultural entrepreneurs. They are welcome to learn and hone their skills in organic farming, with the hope that they will help make the dream of organic agriculture for Vietnam a reality.

(Image Univers Farm Organics)


1 - Organic cultivation process:

– Conservation of natural resources and biodiversity in the cultivation area.

– Protection of consumer and farmer health and safety.

– No use of genetically modified vegetables.

       • No use of any pesticides.

       • No use of any herbicides.

       • No use of any growth stimulants.

       • No use of any fertilizers not derived from organic sources.

– Annual inspection of farms by certification agencies.

2 - Labeling for organic products:

– “100% organic” label: all ingredients must be certified organic; all production and processing methods must be organic; the product label must state the name of the certification body in the product information section; the USDA seal or certification must be present.

– “Organic” label: products with over 95% certified organic ingredients; the remaining 5% of non-organic ingredients must be from the approved list; the product label must state the name of the certification body in the product information section; the USDA seal or certification must be present.

– “Made with organic” label: products with at least 70% certified organic ingredients; the product label must state the name of the certification body in the product information section; the USDA seal is not present on these products.

– “Specific organic ingredients” label: multi-ingredient products with less than 70% certified organic ingredients; the USDA seal is not present on these products.

3 - Organic certifications: After the transfer, VN Check will have full commercial rights to the cultivation processes and breeding methods. The standardized transfer processes will be digitized and encrypted on the Blockchain platform. With the rights to the entire process, GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY AND DIGITALIZATION JOINT STOCK COMPANY will help millions of Vietnamese people learn how to cultivate natural vegetables to serve society.

The transfer period will take place from August 1, 2024, to December 25, 2024.