Symposium on "Promoting Digitalization in Agriculture"

On the afternoon of May 14 in Hanoi, the Ministry of Agriculture held a symposium on 'Promoting Digitalization in Agriculture.' The symposium emphasized the crucial role of digitalization activities in the field of agriculture and rural development, contributing to the promotion of sustainable economic growth.

(Image: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang delivering a directive speech at the symposium)

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan, and Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung presided over the symposium. The Standing Committee of the Digital Transformation Steering Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development evaluated the current situation and bottlenecks regarding digitalization and the application of digital technology in the agricultural sector. They also discussed and shared experiences, practical models, and proposed solutions for agricultural digitalization with business associations and local authorities. The goal is to quickly shift the mindset from agricultural production to an agricultural economy.

Vietnam is currently developing agriculture with the application of 4.0 technology in the context of deep integration. The brilliant development of new digital technologies will provide comprehensive and thorough solutions to overcome the limitations that Vietnamese agriculture is facing. Since 2019, right after the Government's Decision 100/QD-TTg, VN Check has developed a 4.0 technology platform for traceability and anti-counterfeiting. This is the first platform of its kind in Vietnam, representing one of the units participating in the digital space exhibition area.

(Image: Founder and CEO Mai Quang Thinh shares solutions with the Farmer Network Partner)

Digital transformation in general, and in agriculture in particular, must be based on data. To achieve this, Vietnamese agriculture needs to digitize industry data by promoting the development of digital platforms, digital applications, and big data systems for the sector, such as soil, water resources, climate, plant, and livestock varieties.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang suggested that the agricultural sector should focus on improving some weak areas: First, concentrate on reforming and perfecting administrative procedures to keep up with societal development. Second, focus on developing IT infrastructure to collect data, clean data, and ensure data safety to connect to the national electronic information portal and public service portal, in line with developed countries. Third, technological development should be farmer-oriented, easy to use, and create the best conditions for farmers.

VN Check is a platform that applies modern 4.0 technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and Blockchain to standardize processes, collect, process, and encrypt data in real-time according to the patented "Closed-loop Agriculture System." With seamless and transparent data connection capabilities at both the internal traceability portal and the national traceability portal, VN Check can assert its technological advantages in promoting agricultural digitalization.

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